News for You

19/11/2024 . Changes have been made to our Incentive Policy.  The ORU monthly prize draws will consist of a $2000 gift card draw (10 x $200 gift cards).  Cash prizes that require us to ask for sensitive banking information will no longer be offered.  Please read our Incentive Policy for more details.

10/06/2021 The ORU February 2021 winners announced!
M.Goff (NSW), D.Burbidge (SA), J.Church (WA), M.Anders (VIC), H.Winn (QLD), A.Plester (VIC), P.Sommerville (VIC), F.Elliott (WA), J.Willmer (QLD), L.Smithson (NSW) & D.Stanke (SA).

10/06/2021 The ORU January 2021 winners announced!
J (VIC), R.Goldie (VIC), K.Brack (VIC), A.Dent (NSW), A.Kinnane (WA), C.Ng (NSW), T.Ghanee (NSW), C.Boardman (SA), S.Ebsary (WA) & G.Wilson (VIC).

12/02/2021 The ORU November 2020 winners announced!
G.Blacker (NSW), M.Needham (SA), J.Parton (NSW), L.Wallis (QLD), K.Mcdonald (QLD), G.Dean (VIC), P.Melbin (WA), G.Egan (NSW), S.Evans (NSW) & P.Dickerson (VIC).

12/02/2021 The ORU October 2020 winners announced!
D.Roberts (SA), K.Bruehl (WA), S.Duffy (NSW), A.Desmond (NSW), S.Ward (WA), I.Annett (VIC), Irene (VIC), D.Holt (QLD), J.Bartsch (VIC), B.Little (QLD) & C.Lynch (NSW).

13/11/2020 The ORU September 2020 winners announced!
L.Carter (VIC), S.Malhotra (VIC), M.McLaren (VIC), D.Mitchell (SA), G.Bedford (NSW), C.Stanborough (NSW), J.Pannell (WA), Sergey (VIC), L.Martens (NSW) & Name Withheld.

13/11/2020 The ORU August 2020 winners announced!
A.Vickery (NSW), A.Chapple (NSW), G.Cooper (SA), M.Jenkins (SA), A.Longbottom (WA), Name Withheld, J.Morgan (NSW), G.Mason (NSW), J.Higgins (NSW), B.Wood (VIC) & L.Martens (NSW).

13/11/2020 The ORU July 2020 winners announced!
M (WA), S.Cassell (VIC), F.Harris (VIC), C.Collins (VIC), P.Mills (QLD), T.Whillas (SA), B.Cooper (QLD), T.Porritt (QLD), T.Knight (SA) & C.Nettle (SA).

18/08/2020 The ORU June 2020 winners announced!
D.Lines (SA), R.Gordon (VIC), R.Jones (VIC), R.Collmann (VIC), T.O’Donnell (QLD), A.Curtis (NSW), M.Sendic-Lampariello (NSW), N.Mayfield (SA), C.Lawrance (NSW), C.Mangos (SA) & G.Mast (VIC).

18/08/2020 The ORU May 2020 winners announced!
F.Conde (QLD), N.Roennfeldt (QLD), A.Arnold (WA), T.Darnell (WA), Ray (SA), W.Quire (QLD), J.Low (VIC), C.Smith (NSW), K.Sanford (NSW) & J.Borger (QLD).

18/08/2020 The ORU April 2020 winners announced!
B.Rawlings (SA), C.Bartlett (VIC), A.Malik (WA), R.Drake (NSW), O.Tatire (SA), D.Wood (NSW), A.Jobson (QLD), L.Milne (TAS), S.Karunarathne (WA), W.Quire (QLD) & A.Malik (WA).

25/05/2020 The ORU March 2020 winners announced!
A.Mcnulty (VIC), K.Pullen (VIC), D.Brown (WA), W.Morris (VIC), M.Needham (SA), G.Johansson (NSW), C.Miller (TAS), J.Little (VIC), L.Wood (NSW) & R.Hartley (QLD).

25/05/2020 The ORU February 2020 winners announced!
J.Herd (VIC), C.Flynn (NSW), P.Howarth (VIC), J.French (QLD), W.Steele (VIC), M.Davies (VIC), C.Sirianni (VIC), D.Gerrard (VIC), L.Dent (QLD), R.Sheldon (NSW) & F.Harris (VIC).

25/05/2020 The ORU January 2020 winners announced!
C.Homa (VIC), Anita (QLD), R.Mccall (NSW), B.Maccarthy (NSW), T.Maddern (NSW), T.Porritt (QLD), K.Newham (NSW), S.Ebsary (WA), R.Fieldgate (WA) & C.Stevenage (NSW).

23/03/2020 The ORU December 2019 winners announced!
C.Harlock (VIC), S.Hodkinson (VIC), P.Mckenzie (VIC), J.Regalado (VIC), M.Preston (QLD), J.Effer (QLD), J.Fairclough (NT), A.Schulz (SA), F.O’Brien (NSW), B.Morey (VIC) & M.Windsor (SA).

15/01/2020 The ORU November 2019 winners announced!
Cathy (VIC), T.Whillas (SA), C.Hovens (VIC), R.Kandhavel (WA), K.Campbell (NSW), P.Clark (NSW), T.McArthur (NSW), S.Harris (WA), S.Hopton (SA) & G.Harrison (NSW).

15/01/2020 The ORU October 2019 winners announced!
A.Evans (QLD), Henry (VIC), M.Thompson (VIC), G.Marshall (QLD), S.Vodicka (NSW), W.Steele (VIC), S.Anderson (QLD), A.Plester (VIC), J.Bishop (NSW), A.Marshall (QLD) & S.Pearson-Lucas (QLD).

09/01/2020 The ORU September 2019 winners announced!
M.Brown (VIC), L.Hitchen (NSW), D.Arnold (NSW), R.Verney (NSW), A.Noyelle (WA), E.Howson (SA), K.Maher (ACT), Linda (NSW), D.Wood (VIC) and A.Curtis (NSW).

19/12/2019 The ORU office will be closed from 20/12/2019 and reopen on 06/01/2020. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

18/10/2019 The ORU August 2019 winners announced!
M.Aldridge (NSW), G.Cooper (WA), D.Bennie (QLD), D.Burne (VIC), L.Bloustien (QLD), J.Babic (NSW), J.Bennett (ACT), M.Ciungwanara (WA), C.Birtchnell (QLD), J.Stander-Neef (VIC) & D.Patterson (NZ)

29/08/2019 The ORU July 2019 winners announced!
L.Davis (QLD), R.Elsaafin (VIC), S.Lourensz (WA), I.Priora (NSW), L.Harman (VIC), M.John (SA), S.Darrall (SA), M.Windsor (SA), P.Ryall (NSW) & D.Leung (QLD)

12/08/2019 The ORU June 2019 winners announced!
R.Greenaway, J.Campione, E.Hargreaves, S.Brown, J.Honan, J.Heath, J.Sorensen, G.Harrison, A.Cowan, P.Gillespie & J.Piccles

12/08/2019 The ORU May 2019 winners announced!
A.Phillips (SA), C.Homa (VIC), B.Thompson (WA), L.Burke (QLD), M.Domingo (NSW), J.Hharper (SA), E.Haldane (VIC), P.Debrevi (VIC), E.Stevenson (NSW) & J.Stander-Neef (VIC)

18/06/2019 The ORU April 2019 winners announced!
G.Prout (WA), D.Price (VIC), S.Frazer (WA), H.Komoff (QLD), H.Taitapanui (VIC), R.Collmann (VIC), G.Prince (VIC), D.Muir (QLD), A.Smith (QLD), K.Magee (VIC) & J.Cordukes (NSW)

28/05/2019 The ORU March 2019 winners announced!
T.Gilbertson (VIC), B.Manche (NSW), R.Perera (VIC), P.Owen (QLD), C.Craigie (WA), C.Birtchnell (QLD), Raymond (QLD), J.Joseph (WA), S.Hodkinson (VIC) & B.Willcocks (WA)

9/04/2019 The ORU February 2019 winners announced!
M.Kane (NSW), J.Mason (WA), N.Bell (QLD), M.Garote-Abalos (WA), J.Balois (WA), R.Legg (TAS), A.Malhotra (VIC), M.Brown (VIC), B.Toenies (WA), M.Monika (NSW) & L.Mcminn (VIC)

28/02/2019 The ORU January 2019 winners announced!
D.Stel (VIC), K.El Sanoussi (NSW), J.Gray (TAS), H.Brown (SA), L.Day (QLD), N.White (VIC), S.Varnas (SA), S.Monteith (TAS), C.Knott (QLD) & S.Brook-lochki (VIC)

28/02/2019 The ORU December 2018 winners announced!
L.Harley (QLD), S.Cameron (QLD), C.Stewart-smith (QLD), P.May (WA), G.Saunders (QLD), E.Nyong, R.Price (NSW), N J.Thomas (QLD), W.Miller (NSW) & D.Caulfield (VIC)

28/02/2019 The ORU November 2018 winners announced!
M.Dale (NSW), L.Pinna-cartwright (NSW), J.Freeman (QLD), G.Blacker (NSW), C.Birtchnell (QLD), C.Homa (VIC), B.Morey (VIC), G.Stephens (QLD), A.Gilbert (SA) & R.Van Wyk (WA)

09/01/2019 The ORU October 2018 winners announced!
R.Burtt (QLD), D.Farchione (VIC), Gina (NSW), L.Harvey (NSW), A.Vickery (NSW), H.Winn (QLD), J.Heath (NSW), W.Leach (QLD), D.Caves (QLD), H.Newman (VIC) & C.Sigley (VIC).

20/12/2018 The ORU September 2018 winners announced!
R.Senior (NSW), B.Helsby (QLD), P.Johns (NSW), D.Forbes (QLD), R. Reynolds (SA), C.James (VIC), J.Bibo (ACT), G.Blacker (NSW), R.Bradd (QLD) & D.Huia (VIC).

6/09/2018 The ORU August 2018 winners announced!
J.Tanner (WA), N.Hayes (QLD), S.Tout (WA), J.Byrne (NSW), K.Moore (SA), I.Forrester (NZ), P.Mackinnon (WA) & E.Hooper (SA).

6/09/2018 The ORU July 2018 winners announced!
S.Vodicka (NSW), M.Mitry (NSW), A. (Withheld), A. (Withheld), J. (Withheld), J.Stokes (NSW), M. (QLD), L.Russell (QLD), A.Jordan (QLD) & A.Campton-smith (NSW).

6/09/2018 The ORU June 2018 winners announced!
C.Morris (VIC), D.Sharp (VIC), D.Gray (SA), B.Donnelly (NSW), M.Paterson (NSW), C.Craigie (WA), E.Hall (SA) & T.Bhosale (QLD).

03/07/2018 The ORU May 2018 winners announced!
D.Jabbour (NSW), C.Waring (VIC), Michael (VIC), Ray (SA), G.Cooper (SA), J.Macmillan (VIC), H.Katrakilis (NSW), T.Loveless (VIC), R.Senior (NSW) & I.Bennett (NSW).

03/07/2018 The ORU April 2018 winners announced!
Barbara (QLD), S. Nankervis (NSW), H.Shaligram (VIC), V.Cook (VIC), G.Percival (VIC), A.Sabasu (VIC), P.Tanner (QLD) & A.Haywood (NSW).

29/05/2018 The ORU March 2018 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: W.Longley (QLD), K.Mclean (NSW), A.Stainthorpe (NSW), S.Uprety, L.Wallis (QLD), B.Vogels (VIC), G.Cooper (SA), C.Birtchnell (QLD), Anita (QLD) & R.Eastment (NSW).

15/05/2018 The ORU February 2018 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: D.Crennan(NSW), $1000: P.Dawson(QLD), $500: C.Matthews(QLD), $100: D.Brown(VIC), Sharleen(QLD), J.Low(VIC), J.Carpenter(VIC), R.Brown(QLD).

04/04/2018 The ORU January 2018 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: V.G(NSW), E.Parkyn(NT), L.Lunn(QLD), L.Mason(NSW), S.Clark(QLD), J.Richards(NSW), R.Jolly(SA), J.Joss(VIC), H.Williams(NSW), S.Wilson(SA).

04/04/2018 The ORU December 2017 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: P.Parker(NSW), $1000: B.Lamb(QLD), $500: L.Burke(QLD), $100: P.Green(VIC), A-B.Kohen(ACT), J.Bandiera(QLD), D.Wong(QLD), A.Longbottom(WA).

12/01/2018 The ORU November 2017 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: S.Dun (QLD), Gwynne(WA), R.Mccarroll (WA), J.West (TAS), L.Martens (NSW), T.Green (WA), P.Parker (NSW), F.Harris (VIC), J.Phillips (WA), R.Chandler (QLD).

12/01/2018 The ORU October 2017 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: J.Williams (VIC), $1000: J.Landels (VIC), $500: R.Boyce (NSW), $100: Y.P.Chin (Other), B.Saunders (QLD), L.Mcgarrigle (QLD), H.Arundale (NSW), R.Stevens (VIC).

12/01/2018 The ORU September 2017 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: J.Hanselmann (QLD), E.Mcgahey (QLD), P.Gillespie (SA), M.Brown (VIC), D.Monten (SA), E.Callister (VIC), S.Brown (TAS), S.Aroma (SA), G.Caruso (WA), D.Minor (SA).

20/11/2017 The ORU August 2017 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: G.Mackel (QLD) , $1000: J.Cooper (QLD) , $500: J.Israel (Other) , $100: G.Stenberg (NSW), K.Dellit (QLD), J.McLeod (VIC), C.Horan (NSW), C.Hebbard (WA).

20/09/2017 The ORU July 2017 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: J.Wachira (Other), L.M.Davy (SA), M.Tyler (NSW), J.Christie (VIC), W.Morris (VIC), P.Owen (QLD), G.Paxinos (VIC), A.Cowan (VIC), A.Sharp (VIC), J.Wathen (VIC).

15/08/2017 The ORU June 2017 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: R.Gordon (VIC), $1000: A.Irwin (QLD), $500: J.Cooper (QLD), $100: B.Goudge (NSW), W.Little (QLD, )M.Terrey (NSW), C.Birtchnell (QLD), L.Walker (QLD).

20/06/2017 The ORU May 2017 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: M.Pon (NSW), A.Kane (WA), D.Forbes (QLD), S.Cameron (QLD), C.Boardman (SA), J.Read (TAS), L.Nicol (QLD), K.Stavrou (QLD), T.Maddern (QLD), V.Nikolic (VIC).

15/05/2017 The ORU April 2017 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: M.Reilly (QLD), $1000: J.Lodge (SA), $500: M.R.Hirsch (SA) , $100: P.Channell (WA), M.Algie (VIC), A.Akers (VIC), P.J.Dempster (QLD), J.MacLeod (VIC).

20/04/2017 The ORU March 2017 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: M.Fisher (WA), R.Gautam (SA), J.Ford (VIC), S.Munawar (NSW), D.D.Harrison(VIC), G.Mason (NSW), P.Guruge (VIC), D.Rayner (NSW), J.Kelly (QLD), T.Beatty (NSW).

23/03/2017 The ORU February 2017 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: A.Wallace (NSW), $1000: A.Millar (QLD), $500: Y.Hasan (QLD), $100: M.Coppens (VIC), P.Myers (NSW), S.Riches (WA), E.Sluga (NSW), Carol.Neist (NSW).

24/02/2017 The ORU January 2017 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: B.Mackinnon (TAS), P.I’Dell (WA), P.Lo (VIC), R.Henderson (ACT), D.Campbell (TAS), J.Tait (QLD), B.Enser (VIC), A.Olszewski (NSW), J.Lucas (VIC), R.Osmun (WA).

7/02/2017 The ORU’s December 2016 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: B.Lang (VIC), $1000: M.Turner (ACT), $500: D.Gathrie (VIC), $100: J.Milsom (NSW), L.Cummings (VIC), R.Benn (QLD), G.Blacker (NSW), R.Bradd (QLD).

7/12/2016 The ORU’s November 2016 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: W.Presta (VIC), M.Mastroianni (VIC), S.Oswald (NSW), K.Campbell (QLD), A.Noyelle (WA), V.Fish (VIC), N.Trudgett (VIC), L.Williams (ACT), Amanda (QLD), Sharleen (QLD).

29/11/2016 The ORU’s October 2016 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: J.Kaur (NSW), $1000: B.Wood (VIC) , $500: A.Sholson (SA) , $100: L.Wong (VIC), J.Pike (QLD), K.Platz (QLD), Rodney (VIC), R.Mccall (VIC).

16/11/2016 The ORU’s September 2016 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: T.Wallace (VIC), J.Wong (QLD), B.Morey (VIC), B.Randall (QLD), F.Lee (NSW), A.Olszewski (NSW), J.Morris (VIC), R.Downie (NSW), N.Jackson (VIC, )H.Stone (QLD).

11/10/2016 The ORU’s August 2016 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: P.Howarth (VIC), $1000: L.Harley (QLD), $500: T.Mcmahon (NSW), $100: L.Day (QLD), R.Gordon (VIC), J.Bartsch (VIC), R.Gordon (VIC), J.Kenmir (NSW).

22/08/2016 The ORU’s July 2016 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: M.Braithwaite (ACT), E.Zarb (VIC), E.Bronstring (VIC), A.Brisbane (QLD), M.Ehlert (NSW), R.Hosking (VIC), G.Janz (SA), Kaye (WA), M.Potts (VIC), I.Botha (QLD)

14/07/2016 The ORU’s June 2016 winners announced!
Winner of the $3,000 winner R Hunter (VIC),$1,00o winner  P Harwood (NSW), $500 witheld (NSW), $100 winners J Christie (VIC), S Nau (NSW), H Celement (QLD), A Guild (NSW), D Mitchell (SA) & S Oswald NSW)

15/06/2016 The ORU’s May 2016 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: C Garven (WA), G Cooper (SA), S Brown (TAS), J Harper (SA), J O’Dwyer (WA), S Darrall (SA), G Hill (VIC), H Winn (QLD), W Quire (QLD) & D Cooper (NSW).

14/05/2016 The ORU’s April 2016 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: P Kirkham (NSW), $1000: T Jackson (WA), $500: V, $100: P Reed (VIC),L Welsh (QLD), C Vantsos (NSW), L Atkins (QLD), W Morris (VIC) & B Hooper (VIC).

15/04/2016 The ORU’s March 2016 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: B.Robinson (NSW), R.Jones (VIC)M.King (QLD), P.Myers (NSW), B.Wood (VIC), M.Barker (NSW), M.Hay (VIC), K.Plekker (QLD), B.James (QLD), M.Davies (VIC).

21/03/2016 The ORU’s February 2016 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: J.Higgins(NSW), $1000: C.White(VIC), $500: G.Bouma(VIC), $100: A.Wacks(NSW), A.Howard(VIC), J.Trigg(QLD), H.Kaur(VIC), K.Henderson(VIC).

15/02/2016 The ORU’s January 2016 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: S.Walter(VIC), J.Moss(VIC), F.Harris(VIC), K.Y(NSW), P.Mullins(QLD), J.Alvin(NSW), M.Cortes(NSW), C.Forbes(VIC), Bev, C.Richardson(QLD).

13/01/2016 The ORU’s December 2015 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: L.Harley (QLD), $1000: D.Tranter (SA), $500: J.Abigail (NSW), $100: B.Clement (QLD), M.Grelis (VIC), S.Haidari (SA), J.Short (NSW), P.Heathfield (SA).

9/12/2015 The ORU’s November 2015 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: P.Snider(NSW), L.Harley(QLD), M.ackson(VIC), C.Waugh(NSW), C.Mulvehill(QLD), R.Sturma(VIC), S.Harris(WA), I.Goodway(NSW), C.Sirianni(VIC), P.Mckenzie(VIC).

18/11/2015 The ORU’s October 2015 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: I.O’Shea(QLD), $1000: J.Robinson(ACT), $500: R.Henderson(ACT) , $100: P.Harwood(NSW), H.Fernandez(NSW), K.Abela(VIC), S.Pepper(SA), A.Brunton(SA).

22/10/2015 The ORU’s September 2015 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: E.Waddingham(VIC), S.Cooke(NSW), L.Harman(VIC), V.Fuller(NSW), Linda(NSW), D.Wood(NSW), L.Kalnins(NSW), B.Harben(NSW), J.Slade(SA), J.Badcock(SA).

14/09/2015 The ORU’s August 2015 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: O.Odera(QLD), $1000: Marilyn(NSW), $500: P.Gillespie(SA) , $100: K.Roberts(NSW), S.Ong(Other), A.Egan(NSW), B.Hummer(WA), S.Plug(WA).

14/08/2015 The ORU’s July 2015 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: G.Wellington(SA), L.Knuth(QLD), D.Brougham(QLD), S.Ireland(TAS), D.Pulford(QLD), G.Scoberg(VIC), C.Newcombe(NSW), B.Robinson(NSW), M.Hammond(NSW), S.Paul(NSW).

20/07/2015 The ORU’s June 2015 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: M.McLAREN(VIC), $1000: P.Heathfield(SA), $500: S.Harris(WA), $100: Marcella(QLD), A.Ash(SA), Lain(NSW), P.Rock(VIC), S.Hemmings(NSW).

19/06/2015 The ORU’s May 20155 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: D.Gray(SA), J.Napier(VIC), A.Anstee(VIC), G.Johansson(NSW), O.Chummun(QLD), P.Rock(VIC), I.Ollier(NSW), B.James(QLD), V.Price(NSW), L.Bowden(VIC).

15/05/2015 The ORU’s April 2015 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: N.Newton(WA), $1000: R.House(NSW), $500: R.Page(VIC), $100: J.BYRNE(NSW), L.Bromage(VIC), A.Shepherd(VIC), K.Wareing(QLD), C.Pettigrew(SA).

14/04/2015 The ORU’s March 2015 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: S.Dippel(QLD), E.Penny(NSW), R.Senior(NSW), N.Bradt(QLD), J.Sampson(VIC), B.Winn(VIC), K.Wilson(NT), F.Tyak(WA), C.Tyrrell(NSW), J.Bracher(NSW).

11/03/2015 The ORU’s Feburary 2015 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: L.Bester(VIC) , $1000: S.Fitton(NSW), $500: Alan(WA), $100: A.Schulz(SA), G.Hulme(ACT), S.Thibeault(VIC), B.Wale(VIC), J.Donelly(VIC).

18/2/2015 The ORU’s January 2015 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: C.Merrett(WA), K.Hoare(QLD), A.Mc Intyre(SA), M.Aldridge(NSW), P.Morrow(NSW), F.Orellana(QLD), P.Miller(NT), S.Sobye(NSW), P.Foley(VIC), M.Smith(NSW).

15/01/2015 The ORU’s December 2014 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: S.Freebury(NSW) , $1000: M.Bortoli(VIC), $500: C.Cook(VIC), $100: E.Leibowitz(NSW), J.Murphy(QLD), K.Coghlan(QLD), B.Major(WA), C.Wakelin(NSW).

19/12/2014 The ORU office will be closed from 20/12/2014  and reopen on 05/01/2015. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

12/12/2014 The ORU’s November 2014 winners  announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: K.Eilenstein(VIC), D.Ford(NSW), J.McEvoy(SA), N.Johnson(VIC), P.Corey(SA), G.Smith(SA), R.Atkinson(SA), R.Bradd(QLD), L.Hennessy(NSW, )K.Gregory(VIC).

25/11/2014: The ORU has made a $2520 donation to Children’s Cancer Institute. Children’s Cancer Institute is an independent medical research wholly dedicated to childhood cancer.

18/11/2014 The ORU’s October 2014 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: B.Wale(VIC) ,$1000: A.Patterson(NSW) ,$500: T.Cullen(NSW), $100: E.Cunningham(VIC), P.Athithan(NSW), B.Toenies(WA), P,McDonald(ACT), K.Smith(QLD).

10/11/2014: The ORU has made a $100 donation to Clown Doctors (The Humour Foundation). The Humour Foundation is an Australian charity dedicated to promoting and delivering the health benefits of humour.

16/10/2014 The ORU’s September 2014 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: L.Riley(NSW), P.Grace(VIC), L.Hitchen(NSW), A.Christie(TAS), E.Carr(VIC), G.Emslie(WA), S.Cassell(VIC), J.Macleod(VIC, )L.Boccalatte(QLD), M.Smith(NSW).

12/09/2014 The ORU’s August 2014 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: Rachel(WA), $1000: J.Bracher(NSW) ,$500: R.Lukins(NSW), $100: P.Lambley(NSW), I.Mansell(VIC), T.Dale(VIC), H.Arundale(NSW), K.Marshman(QLD).

22/08/2014 The ORU’s July 2014 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: K.Stanton(TAS), B.Toenies(WA), J.Coxhead(VIC), A.Priestley(NSW), A.Chen(NSW), I.Booth(QLD), V.Thomas(VIC), A.Cook(WA), C.Stanborough(NSW), N.Standen(NSW).

18/07/2014 The ORU’s June 2014 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: G.Weaver(WA), $1000: T.Schmith(QLD) ,$500: J.Greenaway(VIC) , $100: G.Emmett(TAS), M.Terrey(NSW), Zita(QLD), S.Harris(NSW),C.Gill(SA).

23/06/2014 The ORU’s May 2014 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: J.Napier(VIC), C.Fenn(NSW), E.Borton-Sutherland(NSW), Greg(QLD), S.Montague(WA), S.Keogh(SA), L.Hopkins(VIC), I.Scott(WA), M.Wright(NSW), B.Harding(VIC).

30/05/2014 The ORU’s April 2014 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: J.Wong(QLD), $1000: J.Gersekowski(ACT) ,$500: D.Woodard(VIC), $100: J.Sturmey(TAS), K.Frew(QLD), R.Henniker(NSW), K.Hicks(NSW), E.Porter(NSW).

12/02/2014 The ORU’s March 2014 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: L.Knuth(QLD), A.Gladigau(SA), D.Hampshire(VIC), D.Carey(VIC), Sergey(VIC), L.Davis(QLD), R.Kling(QLD), R.Dollery(NSW), C.Thomson(NSW), M.Lee(NSW).

19/03/2014 The ORU’s February 2014 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: M.Terrey(NSW), $1000:H.Bancroft(VIC) ,$500: l.Hitchen(NSW), $100:T.Cook(NSW), S.Singh(VIC), H.Mafuankadi(WA), M.Hodge(VIC), R.Sturma(VIC).

11/03/2014. Some amendments have recently been made to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) We have made updates to our privacy policy in line with these amendments. Rest assured we are continually committed to protecting your privacy, keeping your personal information safe, and ensuring the security of the opinions that you share.  For more details please view our privacy policy.

12/02/2014 The ORU’s January 2014 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: P.Fisher(VIC), N.Zainuddin(NSW), S.Corbett(NSW), S.Joha-Meade(VIC), C.Abbott(QLD), A.Moorthy(NSW), D.Gardner(NSW), G.Partridge(WA), E.Calder(VIC), E.Dadolo(WA).

06/01/2014 The ORU’s December 2013 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: L.Powell(QLD),$1000: H.Nguyen(NT),$500:J.Prichard(ACT),$100: M.Crory(WA), M.Watson(QLD), S.Boticki(NSW), J.Bell(QLD), S.Bakker(VIC).

13/12/2013 The ORU’s November 2013 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: K.Cocks(QLD), M.Pourhassan(SA), M.Burgess(VIC), S.Champion(VIC), A.Ash(SA), K.Frew(QLD), C.Mroz(VIC), N.Wright(QLD), S.Brown(TAS), S.Bright(QLD).

15/11/2013 The ORU’s October 2013 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: R.Emslie(NSW) ,$1000: M.Anders(VIC) ,$500: L.Lu(VIC) ,$100: Greta(WA), P.Connor(NSW), D.Cocks(VIC), J.Kelly(VIC), G.Miles(NSW).

18/10/2013 The ORU’s September 2013 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: L.Moreno(VIC), M.Manning(SA), A.Davis(QLD), H.Wall(NSW), T.Slade(WA), B.Caveny(VIC), L.O’Connor(QLD), J.Kievit(QLD), T.Dowling(SA), H.Boo(NSW).

13/09/2013 The ORU’s August 2013 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: J.Menzies(SA),$1000: A.Brunton(SA),$500: Gary(QLD), $100:S.Vodicka(NSW), S.Hoare(QLD), S.Patterson(QLD), Y.Teoh(SA), M.Ingram(VIC).

16/08/2013 The ORU’s July 2013 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: D.Taylor(NSW), P.Howarth(VIC), A.Hanks(VIC), K.Reader(TAS), H.Wall(NSW), A.Reid(NSW),C.MANSON(WA), S.Taylor(SA), Tina(SA),  J.Lysons(QLD).

11/07/2013 The ORU’s June 2013 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: N.Humphries(NSW),$1000: K.Kennedy(VIC),$500: D.Hards(SA),$100:N.Gordon(NSW), J.Tong(QLD), V. Adolphe(VIC), N.Thomas(QLD), W.Thorburn(NSW).

14/06/2013 The ORU’s May 2013 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: F.Carter(QLD), A.Cowan(QLD), D.Nelson(QLD), Kim(SA), G.Scoberg(VIC), R.Reed(NSW), A.Sarosiek(QLD), D.McHattie(VIC), A.Fekete(NSW), A.Pertsinidis(NSW).

16/05/2013 The ORU’s April 2013 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: Y.Jensen(VIC),$1000: B.Cornwell(NSW),$500: E.Direen(NSW),$100: T.Duncan(VIC), R.Tait(VIC), K.Gresham(NSW), R.Nichols(NSW), K.Nguyen(VIC).

30/04/2013. We have updated The ORU Privacy Policy  with changes to the “Use of Cookies and other tracking devices” section. Please take the time to read and understand how we use cookies.

11/04/2013 The ORU’s March 2013 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: A.Noyelle(WA), J.Dollan(QLD), C.Luck(QLD), S.Lyons(QLD), L.Bow(VIC), R.Downie(NSW), A.Ali(VIC), P.Simmons(QLD), A.Brunton(SA), R.Brown(QLD).

15/03/2013 The ORU’s February 2013 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: D.Fock (NSW),$1000: D.Druzeta (SA),$500: M.Davie (NSW),$100:D.Parker(NSW),N.Sweeney (QLD),E.Evans (NSW),S.Michaelidis (SA),U.Then (QLD).

14/02/2013 The ORU’s January 2013 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: J.Aldridge(TAS), R.Norton(NSW), R&R.Hedrick(VIC), R.Hicks(VIC), J.Heath(SA), G.Li(VIC), P.O’brien(NSW), T.Maddern(QLD), M.Lenaghan(QLD), J.Smith(QLD).

16/01/2013 The ORU’s December 2012 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: Tricia(VIC),$1000: E.Buruma(QLD),$500: Sspagnol(WA),$100: Z.Radenovic(SA), J.Lewis(WA), D.Nathan(WA), J.Tsigros(SA), K.Wilson(VIC).

18/12/2012 The ORU’s November 2012 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: Phillipa(QLD), M.Thomas(QLD), M.Owen(VIC), M.Watson(VIC), R.Thomson(QLD),L.Smith(WA), K.Blyth(NSW),J.Neser(NSW), J.Reid(VIC) & Ewen(VIC).

19/11/2012 The ORU’s October 2012 winners announced!
Winner of the $3000 cash prize: K.Armstrong(VIC), $1000: T.Cullen(NSW), $500: D.Daws(SA),$100: G.Mar(VIC), L.Kerr(VIC), R.Kerswill(QLD), G.Watters(QLD) & S.Prebble(TAS).

16/10/2012 The ORU’s September 2012 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: C.Bromser(VIC), M.Korbell(VIC), Tina(SA), L.Humphris(VIC), E.Rusterholz(NSW), V.Faliszewski(VIC), F.Wrigh(NSW), Tricia(VIC), J.Sampson(VIC) & D.Gray(NSW).

18/09/2012 The ORU’s August 2012 winners announced!
$3,000 1st prize: R.Hehl(VIC); $1,000 2nd prize: J.Leach(VIC) and $500 3rd prize: E.Williams(VIC). 5 $100 winners: B.Coates(NSW), W.Hollingworth(NSW), T.Preiss(SA), E.Powell(QLD) & H.Virgo(QLD).

12/09/2012. We have updated The ORU Privacy Policy to include external links on Australian Market & Social Research Society’s Code of Professional Behaviour and the Market & Social Research Privacy Code. Click here to view.

20/08/2012 The ORU’s July 2012 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: B.Monkley(NSW), K.Boulton(QLD), G.Thomas(WA), R.Greenaway(VIC), J.Morelly(NSW), C.Sirianni(VIC), L.Crichton(QLD), N.Collavo(NSW), T.Whillas(SA) & C.Lamb(ACT).

18/07/2012 The ORU’s June 2012 winners announced!
$3,000 1st prize: K.Baddock(NSW); $1,000 2nd prize: B.Jeffries(NSW) and $500 3rd prize: I.Munro(NSW). 5 $100 winners: S.Broderick(VIC), J.Lofts(QLD), J.Davison(NSW), A.Neszpor(NSW), W.Fitzpatrick(QLD) & L.Matthews(QLD).

21/06/2012 The ORU’s May 2012 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: S.Choi(VIC), K.Gothard(NSW), T.Malady(VIC), L.Woodman(NSW), P.Siekmann(SA), M.Ryan(NSW), G.Spencer(VIC), M.Ming(QLD), J.Diaz(NSW) & Cara(WA).

18/06/2012 We have updated The ORU Incentive Policy &  Prize Draw Terms and Conditions to include the following text: “Prizes are not available to residents outside Australia & New Zealand.”
To view The ORU Incentive Policy click here.

17/05/2012 The ORU’s April 2012 winners announced!
$3,000 1st prize: E.Enriquez(witheld); $1,000 2nd prize: A.Sermon(QLD) and $500 3rd prize: A.Tsarevskiy(SA). 5 $100 winners: J.Bland(ACT), K.Ellis(NSW), A.Lyall-Wilson(QLD), H.Rose(NSW) & S.Train(witheld).

13/04/2012 The ORU’s March 2012 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 voucher: A.Farrugia(NSW),M.Ngaro(QLD),M.Long(QLD),D.Goyen(VIC),S.Lawler(VIC),P.Flynn(QLD),J.Napier(VIC),R.Woodman(QLD),J.Mallon(VIC) & P.Green(VIC).

12/03/2012 The ORU’s February 2012 winners announced!
$3,000 1st prize: P.Mclaughlin(VIC); $1,000 2nd prize: L.Cox(TAS) and $500 3rd prize: B.Jennings(TAS). 5 $100 winners: T.Canty(NSW), G.Roberts(QLD), G.Lee(NSW), S.Mckenzie(NT) & A.Sinclair(VIC).

16/02/2012 The ORU’s January 2012 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 Voucher: K.Walsham(QLD), M.Essery(QLD), M.Moore(QLD), I.Rose(NSW), A.Murray(NSW), M.Lehmann(VIC), C.Fitz(QLD), D.Hunter-Guest(VIC), S.Sheil(QLD), & G.Spencer(VIC).

18/01/2012 The ORU’s December 2011 winners announced!
$3,000 1st prize: E.Chen(NSW); $1,000 2nd prize: L.Harman(VIC) and $500 3rd prize: L.Belmore(QLD). 5 $100 winners: E.Hickey(NSW), R.Monkhouse(QLD), G.Hansard(SA), S.Karasinski(WA) & N.White(VIC).

22/12/2011: The ORU office is closed for the Christmas break from Dec 22nd 2011 until 5th January 2012. You can email us at if you have any queries and we will respond when our office reopens in 2012.

Thank you for your generous and ongoing support the our online research. We wish you the best for the New Year.

09/12/2011 The ORU’s November 2011 winners annonced!
Each winner receives a $200 Voucher: M.Callander(VIC), L.Ding(VIC), D.Phan(NSW), M.Brown(NSW), J.Hutchins(VIC), S.Cook(VIC), G.Dunstan(VIC), I.Aitchison(SA), D.McIntyre(QLD) & D.Crennan(NSW).

10/11/2011 The ORU’s October 2011 winners announced!
$3,000 1st prize: D.Cumberlidge(NSW); $1,000 2nd prize: K.La Brooy(WA) and $500 3rd prize: K.Murray(QLD). 5 $100 winners: J.Johanson(VIC), T.Dowling(WA), M.Boughey(VIC), D.Phan(NSW) & Gail(TAS).

20/10/2011 The ORU has donated $1,000 to the Children’s Cancer Institute. To view a copy of  the latest donation please click here.

07/10/2011 The ORU’s September 2011 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 Voucher: R.Ujuk(NSW), A.Bisshop(ACT), D.Knight(NSW), A.Jordan(QLD), Vanessa(QLD), P.Tucker(QLD), M.Sabatini(WA), A.Rupac(NSW) & P.Maguire(NSW).

14/09/2011 The ORU’s August 2011 winners announced!
$3,000 1st prize: D.Griffin(NSW); $1,000 2nd prize: C.meagher(QLD) and $500 3rd prize: D.Griffin(NSW). 5 $100 winners: S.Denny(TAS), S.McCartney(QLD), I.Pearson(VIC), C.Doel(QLD) & Z.Radenovic(SA).

17/08/2011 The ORU’s July 2011 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 Voucher: R.Strong(QLD), N.Shroff(NSW), S.Allen(VIC), C.Miller(WA), P.LaGreca(VIC), M.Allen(NSW), A.Albury(NSW), D.Ho(NSW), B.Krebs(QLD) & N.Evans(QLD).

13/07/2011 The ORU’s June 2011 winners announced!
$3,000 1st prize: J.Taylor(VIC); $1,000 2nd prize: A.Wright(ACT) and $500 3rd prize: S.Tonkins(NSW). 5 $100 winners: S.Sallaway(QLD), L.Talbot-Smith(SA), B.Alegre(VIC), S.Horgen(VIC) & P.Dionysopoulos(SA).

20/06/2011 The ORU’s May 2011 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 Voucher: S.Duffy(NSW), A.Sholson(SA), D.Just(QLD), J.Freeman(NSW), Y.Lawrence(VIC), S.Skewes(QLD), F.Sze(NSW), J.Lettoof(NSW), L.Waddel(VIC) & C.Franco(VIC).

08/06/2011 Great news! The ORU has increased the amount of prize draw entries you will receive for each survey. This means you will receive more entries than before for each survey you complete. To check how many entries you have for the current month click here.

17/05/2011 The ORU’s April 2011 winners announced!
$3,000 1st prize: S.Lewis(NSW); $1,000 2nd prize: R.Rubira(VIC) and $500 3rd prize: T.Fullerton(NSW). 5 $100 winners: Anita(QLD), R.Leung(VIC), C.Eng(SA), P.Drake(WA) & J.Boddey(NSW).

19/04/2011 The ORU’s March 2011 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 Voucher: P.Klauer(VIC), S.Sharma(NSW), Vivien(VIC), C.Halls(VIC), P.McKenzie(VIC), M.Smyth(VIC), K.Mason(NSW), C.Wood(NSW), G.Searle(NSW) & K.Facey(NSW).

21/03/2011 The ORU’s February 2011 winners announced!
$3,000 1st prize: K.De Ruyck(WA); $1,000 2nd prize: (witheld) and $500 3rd prize: (witheld). 5 $100 winners: C.Fuller(QLD), A.Palmer(QLD), D.Ascher(VIC), D.Robertson(NSW) & A.Andrews(QLD).

24/02/2011 The ORU has donated $1,000 to the Children’s Cancer Institute. To view a copy of  the donation please click here.

22/02/2011: The ORU’s January 2011 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 Voucher: K.Frank(QLD), D.Whelan(VIC), N.Leggett(NSW), J.Burn(VIC), C.Warren(QLD), M.Eddy(VIC), Maddy(NSW), K.Mccarthy(VIC), K.Moore(WA) & S.O’Sullivan(QLD).

24/01/2011: The ORU’s December 2010 winners announced!
$3,000 1st prize: Heather(NSW); $1,000 2nd prize: E.Campbell(VIC); and $500 3rd prize: C.Crowley(QLD). 5 $100 winners: L.Thompson(NSW), P.Green(VIC), K.Clarke(QLD), Judy(NSW) & M.Walker(VIC).

21/12/2010: The ORU office is closed for the Christmas break from Dec 22nd 2010 until Wednsday 4th January 2011 inclusive. Thank you for your generous and ongoing support the our online research. We wish you the best for the New Year.

16/12/2010 The ORU’s November 2010 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 Voucher: J.Piccles(NSW), O.Edmonds(NSW), D.Butler(SA), N.Cooper(VIC), E.Cozzi(VIC), H.Duong(NSW), L.Albassit(QLD), I.Sampson(QLD), K.Alwadi(NSW) & K.Singh(VIC).

22/11/2010 The ORU’s October 2010 winners announced!
$3,000 1st prize: T.Mann(WA); $1,000 2nd prize: R.Newbery(NSW); and $500 3rd prize: T.Walters(QLD). 5 $100 winners: D.Premici(WA), J.Williams(WA), A.Tibbitts(ACT), M.Tyrrell(NSW) & S.Harris(TAS).

20/10/2010 The ORU’s September 2010 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 Voucher: Name withheld(n/a), K. Oliver(NSW), A. Harris-Poddi(VIC), L. Scorer(NSW), M. Hube(WA), S. Withers(VIC), FH. Guimaraes(NSW), L. Leeson(WA), E. Carr(VIC) & P. Hunt(ACT).

20/09/2010 The ORU’s August 2010 winners announced!
$3,000 1st prize: J.Welch(WA); $1,000 2nd prize: B.Munday(NSW); and $500 3rd prize: E.Bronstring(VIC). 5 $100 winners: J.Goodman(VIC), D.Mcabee(VIC), B.Dorsman(SA), withheld(QLD)& J.Hays(QLD).

17/08/2010 The ORU’s July 2010 winners announced!
Each winner receives a $200 Voucher: R.Taylor(WA), D.Bonavia(TAS), K.Smith(QLD), G.Emmett(TAS), E.Lee(NSW), P.Leighton(NSW), R.Pring(NSW),L.De Voil(QLD), Teddy(SA) & M.Korbell(VIC).

1/07/2010 The ORU donations over the last financial year have included: $3,000 to the Children’s Cancer Institute, $1,000 Smith Family, $50 UNICEF Haiti Earthquake appeal & $288.95 Cancer Council Australia’s Biggest Morning 2010.

31/05/2010 The ORU is proud to announce it has been awarded certification for the Global quality standard ISO 26362.

14/04/2010 New ORU FAQ page: We now have a Frequently Asked Questions page on our website to help with general survey queries you may have.

06/04/2010 The ORU has donated $1,000 to the Children’s Cancer Institute. To view a copy of the donation please click here.

23/03/2010 The ORU supports the UNICEF Haiti Earthquake appeal. For more information about UNICEF or to make a donation please visit:

07/01/2010 The ORU wishes all its members best wishes for the new year.

18/12/2009: The ORU is closed for the Christmas break from Dec 18th 2009 until Tuesday 5th January 2010 inclusive. Thank you for your ongoing support and best wishes for the New Year.

08/10/09 We have made some changes to our privacy policy regarding our use of cookies.  Please take the time to read it.

IMPORTANT NOTE on Security and Email Hoax:

The ORU will never send emails requesting you to enter personal banking information, will never redirect you to a website that asks for your personal banking details nor ever ask you to call a telephone number and disclose your personal banking details.

Please beware of hoax or suspicious emails, especially if they are formatted to look like they come from a banking or financial institution or The ORU.

All of our emails will include the registered name of our panellist and it will also originate from our mail addresses “” . We will only ever ask survey information and never such personal banking details.

The ORU requests that if you receive such an email to delete it (from both your inbox and your deleted folder) and not to provide any personal banking information, whether on an email or if you are redirected to a website asking for information..
What to do if you receive a hoax email?
If an email claims to be from The ORU, let us know by forwarding the email as an attachment to then delete the email from your mailbox. Please do not alter the subject line in any way when you forward it to us.

01/03/2009 The ORU has rolled out a new incentive policy. On top of our $5,000 cash prize draw, we offer a second draw of gift vouchers to the value of $2,000. Winners of the second draw will be able to choose vouchers and gift cards from retail stores that include Coles Group & Myer, Westfield, Caltex and Bunnings Hardware. The cash and gift card draws will alternate every month and survey participants will be entered in two prize draws for each survey they participate in. For more information please visit our terms and conditions page.

01/03/2009 The ORU has rolled out a new incentive policy. On top of our $5,000 cash prize draw, we offer a second draw of gift vouchers to the value of $2,000. Winners of the second draw will be able to choose vouchers and gift cards from retail stores that include Coles Group & Myer, Westfield, Caltex and Bunnings Hardware. The cash and gift card draws will alternate every month and survey participants will be for each survey they participate in. For more information please visit our terms and conditions page.

12/02/09 The ORU supports the Red Cross 2009 Victorian bushfire Fund. Click here. The Fund has been set up to assist individuals and communities affected by devastating bushfires in Victoria. It was launched by the Premier John Brumby in partnership with Red Cross and the Federal Government.  Donations can be made at: or by phoning 1800 811 700.

03/02/09 The ORU are proud to announce that we have gained the QSOAP ‘Best Practice’ standard, the only Online fieldwork provider in Australia to have gained this level of accreditation to date. The ORU thank all panel members for their ongoing support, without which we would not have achieved this great industry endorsement.

01/02/09 We have made changes to the breakdown of values for our cash draw. First prize winners will now win $3,000. Please check this month’s terms and conditions for the full prize breakdown.

03/09/08 We have made some changes to our privacy policy.  Please take the time to read it.

02/09/08  Please read The ORU Incentive policy we have updated on our website.